How to negotiate salary

Jennifer Narayan
Jennifer Narayan (Business Management ’10) is a Career Coach, Executive Recruiter and the founder of CareerRealTalk.

Salary negotiation can be a big — and intimidating! — part of the job hunt process. Did you recently receive a job offer, but aren’t sure if the salary is competitive enough? Or are you still interviewing and clam up when asked: “What is your current salary, and what are you looking to make?” Either way, this blog will provide you with the tips you need for successful salary negotiation.

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How to handle risk management in real estate investing

Ron Alphonso
Ron Alphonso (Retail Management ’81, Business Management ’84, MBA ’09) is a Toronto-based mortgage specialist. He can be found at and on twitter @brokerstore.

I have nearly 40 years of experience in real estate, handling many different types of residential transactions. I have bought and sold properties and own rental income properties, but most of my investments are in the area of mortgages. My company is a niche mortgage brokerage that specializes in high ratio loans, stopping evictions from power of sale and foreclosure, and real estate litigation. Continue reading “How to handle risk management in real estate investing”

You graduated, now what?

Kelsey Muir, Early Childhood Studies ’16
Kelsey Muir (Early Childhood Studies ’13) is a Communications Officer at Aecom. She is also a member of the Digital Content Committee on the Ryerson University Alumni Association Board of Directors where she shares her expertise in social media and storytelling.

You graduated, now what?

You did it! Now that you’ve graduated, let’s celebrate your new alumni status and the perks of being a part of the Ramily.

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Tips for a great first impression

Monika Monga (Business Management ’00; Human Resources Management MA) is an HR professional who has worked in both the public and private sector where she gained experience in recruitment.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” It’s a phrase attributed to Will Rogers that certainly still rings true. First impressions are critical in the business world.

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All Roads Lead to Ryerson: A Reflection of my University Experience

Jesica Cuaresma
Jesica Cuaresma is a soon-to-be graduate of Ryerson’s Business Management program. With a background in the arts — specifically visual arts and musical theatre, she hopes to integrate her creativity, along with her knowledge of marketing within the business world. Her passions include travel, fashion, photography and music.

I wish I could’ve been there for my 18-year-old self — an overwhelmed senior in high school who was flustered by all of the ‘crucial’ and ‘timely’ decisions she had to make — to let myself know that it’s okay not to know.

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The importance of mindfulness

Kristina Flynn
Kristina Flynn @flynnkristina is a social Entrepreneur passionate about tech, social impact and sports, on a mission to bring hope & visibility to marginalized communities. She is the CEO & Co-founder jiiWA which is a company incubated at Ryerson’s Social Venture’s Zone.

Let’s be serious; the life of a social entrepreneur is not for everyone. The stresses are high, the expectations even higher. Most days you’re walking in quicksand instead of sprinting towards the mission like you always imagined.

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A step-by-step guide to remote work

Stephanie Veltmann, Fashion Communication and Design ’09
Stephanie Veltmann (Fashion Communication and Design ’09) is a brand strategist, designer and principal of Bare Brand, a strategic creative agency. Stephanie is also the President of the Ryerson University Alumni Association Board of Directors.

I began working as a graphic designer in 2009, having recently graduated from Ryerson. This was not my first foray into an office environment but with school behind me, working a full week in the same four walls changed my perspective. It soon wasn’t hard to notice productivity slipping to office distractions and courteous chit-chat, not to mention the tremendous cost to operate a physical space. This led me to realize remote work was the way of the future — to me it was an easy, simple solution.

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#SafeSocial: Social media as a risky behaviour

Bailey Parnell (Radio and Television Arts ’15, Communications and Culture ’16 MA)
Bailey Parnell (Radio and Television Arts ’15, Communications and Culture ’16 MA) is an award-winning digital marketer and the Founder & CEO of SkillsCamp, a soft skills training company. Bailey was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women. Her TEDx talk and research at Ryerson University focus on social media’s impact on mental health.

Last year, I gave a TEDx talk about social media’s impact on mental health, discussing concepts such as highlight reels, social currency, FOMO, and online harassment, which have led to lower self-esteem, anxiety, stress, and depression. I suggested small, one-time negative instances might not dramatically reduce your mental health, but when micro-aggressions repeatedly occur over time, you have a macro problem.

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Your guide to online interactions

Jesica Cuaresma
Jesica Cuaresma is a soon-to-be graduate of Ryerson’s Business Management program. With a background in the arts — specifically visual arts and musical theatre, she hopes to integrate her creativity, along with her knowledge of marketing within the business world. Her passions include travel, fashion, photography and music.

As human beings living in the digital age, the internet is endlessly shifting the ways in which we communicate with one another.

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How working 7 days a week helped my state of mind

Amanda Cupido, Journalism ’12
Amanda Cupido (Journalism ’12) is a communications advisor for World Vision International, the Innovator in Residence for podcasting at the Toronto Public Library and a journalism instructor at Seneca College. She is also the author of Let’s Talk Podcasting. Amanda sits on the Ryerson University Alumni Association’s Board of Directors.

When I told people I enjoyed working seven days a week, they were in disbelief.
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